IBS – Institut für Berufs- und Sozialpädagogik gGmbH is a is a non-profit making vocational training company and education provider founded in 1983.

MIND – Mittelhessisches Institut für Nachhaltigkeit und Diversität (Central Hessian Institute for Sustainability and Diversity) is a non-profit, modern educational institution that combines labour market programs with future social issues such as digital transformation, climate change, sustainability and globalization.

CEPROF stands for “Centros Escolares de Ensino Profissional”, which means “VET School Centres”. It is an SME constituted in 1991 specifically for the creation of the Vocational School of Espinho (ESPE – Escola Profissional de Espinho) – also created in 1991 and is one of the oldest VET schools in Portugal (until 2004 all VET schools in Portugal were private).